Ski&Fly Safari for pilots in Davos Klosters
During this weekend we start and fly with skis. After a detailed briefing on launching with skis by a local instructor, we will explore the flying areas in Davos Klosters with ski launching.
Cost: CHF 100 for 2 days (excluding accommodation and cable car costs).
On the ski mountains around Davos we have a variety of suitable launch sites at our disposal:
The classic fly and fun mountain in Davos. The modern, newly built feeder lift on the Jakobshorn takes us up to the Ischalp. From there we continue to the launch sites Jatzhütte, Schissi or Brämabüel which allow a launch in almost all wind directions. The launch site at the Jatzhütte is legendary. In front of the Jatzhütte there are thermals quite early in the winter, and so we hope to be able to extend our flights there in the afternoon.
Klosters Gotschna
On the Gotschnagrat in the Klosters Parsenn ski area, we take off either in the direction of Prättigau or in the direction of Wolfgangpass (Davos). Landing is at the winter landing site at the sports center in Klosters.
Davos Parsenn
Several launch sites are available to us here. Middle station, Weissfluhjoch or if everything fits also a start from the Weissfluh summit (2’843 m above sea level) is possible.
Klosters Madrisa
Thanks to the new 6-seater chairlift Schaffürggli we comfortably reach the starting point on the Madrisa family mountain.
At the Slow Mountain, the motto for skiers is: calm instead of hullabaloo, comfort instead of speed. We, too, hope for pleasantly quiet flights in the morning.
The alternative winter sports area: The focus in the winter sports area in the Flüela valley is on alternative sports. Perfect to pay a visit to this mountain.
The Rinerhorn is considered an insider tip among locals. Far away from the hustle and bustle we find good starting possibilities at the Rinerhorn.